Documents Needed To File Bankruptcy

Osage County Bankruptcy Lawyers

The documents needed to file bankruptcy is simple to gather and most attorneys will help you through it. Filing bankruptcy can be an intimidating process especially when looking at the documents for bankruptcy.  When you start gathering paperwork, the job can seem impossible to complete.  However, the amount of paperwork is less than most people realize.  Although you will need several documents, most of them are common and rather simple to get.

Documents for Bankruptcy Filing

Financial Paperwork

Financial documents are an obvious necessity for filing bankruptcy.  Your attorney will need paystubs, bank statements, any social security statements, etc.  If you have certificates of deposit—o “cd’s”—then you will also need to provide those.  The documents for bankruptcy should includeDocuments Needed To File Bankruptcy an account number, current balance, and six months worth of history.  So, you can bring them in from your bank or even print them offline if your bank has that option.

Investment Paperwork

Next, you will need to provide any documents for bankruptcy that regard investments.  This includes: stocks, bonds, mutual funds and more.  The majority of our clients have investments in retirement funds, like a 401K or IRA.  These types of investments simply require your most current statement on the value of the account.

Asset Documents

Documents for bankruptcy concerning your assets are extremely important.  So, things like a home, vehicles, boats/RVs, etc. all must show your ownership.  Deeds to homes and titles to vehicles are all proof.  You must bring in a copy of the title or deed.  Contracts for sale or registration are not a sufficient way to prove you own the item.  However, to ease your mind, Oklahoma law generally allows exceptions on homes so that you can keep the property.

Tax Returns

Your attorney will need the last two years of tax returns, if you are required to file taxes.   This means that in 2017, you will need to provide your 2015 and 2016 returns.  The IRS and your State’s taxation office can provide you with transcripts if you do not have copies.

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 Bankruptcy Gives You a Fresh Financial Start

As you can see the documents needed To file bankruptcy aren’t difficult to gather. It centers around financial statements, investment statements, titles/deeds, and your tax returns.  You should also bring in a valid ID when talking with your attorney.  The key to filing a successful bankruptcy is to get started on the process. You don’t have to live with your head underwater in debt. Bankruptcy law protects you from creditors and their unjust activities in collecting the debt. Its never to late to file and get a fresh start. Worrying about the documents needed to file bankruptcy is your bankruptcy lawyers job, so don’t worry, just get up and do it.