Using your credit card to pay for bankruptcy in Oklahoma can cause you more problems then you think. Many people, to no fault of their own, find themselves struggling with mounds of debt. Debts such as credit card bills, medical bills, signature loans, and other mounting indebtedness can have people looking for some relief. If you find yourself in that situation, bankruptcy may be right for you. Oklahoma Bankruptcy allows you to take control of your situation and gives you a fresh financial start. However those considering bankruptcy will also have to consider how to pay the expenses associated with bankruptcy attorney.
Costs Associated with Bankruptcy
When you hire a Tulsa bankruptcy attorney to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy you should be prepared to pay the following expenses:
· The Attorney fee charged by your lawyer for advising you and preparing the pleadings in your case to be filed with the court.
· The filing fees paid directly to the court,
· Pre-filing credit counseling,
· The fee for a Credit Report, and
· Post-filing credit counseling.
With the exception of the post-filing credit counseling these expenses must be paid in full before the bankruptcy can be filed. Some attorneys allow their clients to pay the attorney fee in installments as long as they are paid in full before the bankruptcy is filed.
Paying Attorney Fees In Installments
For people who cannot afford the full attorney fee all at once, some attorneys allow clients to pay their attorneys’ fees in installments. Once a Chapter 7 or chapter 13 is filed an automatic stay is triggered which prohibits collection efforts of any kind. Therefore if an attorney fee remains uncollected it will ultimately be discharged in the bankruptcy. People have asked if they can use their credit card to pay their bankruptcy attorney.
Can I Use My Credit Card to Pay My Bankruptcy Lawyer?
Generally speaking Bankruptcy law prohibits attorneys from advising their clients to incur debt on the eve of a bankruptcy filing. This includes charging services on a credit card or taking out cash advances. So for those of you wondering if you can pay with a credit card. The answer is no. But, on the other hand you can use a friends or family members credit card to pay for your bankruptcy if they agree to help you. Some attorneys, however, will also accept debit cards because those amounts come directly from your checking account. There is nothing in the bankruptcy code that prohibits your friends and family from funding your legal services with a credit card of their own.
Bankruptcy Attorneys In Your Corner.
Our Tulsa bankruptcy lawyers are in it for you. We have filed thousands of chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy cases throughout the Sate. In the vasy majority of cases our clients have received a fresh start and have moved on with their life happy and debt free. Call today and get a free consultation