Do I need an Attorney to File Bankruptcy in Oklahoma

Although a bankruptcy case is filed in the federal court and controlled by federal bankruptcy laws just like most State Court claims you have a right to file bankruptcy in Oklahoma without a lawyer.  In fact its not entirely unusual to find people representing themselves in bankruptcy court. If you do decide that you want to represent yourself in bankruptcy court there are some basic questions that you will have to decide

How to File Bankruptcy in Oklahoma:

  1. What chapter of bankruptcy should you file. This is a bankruptcy question that is often decided by what your income is. If your income is below the median family income as found in the means test than you qualify for a chapter 7. On the other hand, if your income is above the median family income than a chapter 13 may be what you decide to file.
  2. Once you’ve decided which chapter of bankruptcy is right for you its time to decide in which bankruptcy court to file the case. Oklahoma has three federal bankruptcy courts. Which one you file in depends on what county you live in. Generally, if you live in Northeast Oklahoma you will file your case in Tulsa. If you live in Southern Oklahoma you will file your case in Okmulgee. Finally if you live west of Tulsa on in to Western Oklahoma than your case is filed in Oklahoma City.
  3. If you own real property like a home or land you’ll have to decide which exemption to use. In Oklahoma your home and the land its built on is exempt in the bankruptcy. This means that you’ll have to decide what the proper bankruptcy exemption is an choose it in the paper work. Remember, the exemption is for your primary residence only. This means the exemption does not extend to rental property you may own or other property than your name is listed on.
  4. If you own a car you’ll have to decide if you can keep it in bankruptcy. The answer is maybe. The bankruptcy exemption is 100% provided the value of your car is under a certain amount. Also the exemption only allows one car for each personal filing. So id f you and a spouse is filing than each of you can keep your vehicle in the bankruptcy. There are several other ways to extend the vehicle exemption to additional vehicles but this will require you to do some research

Related Bankruptcy information: Keeping your car in bankruptcy

We Can Help You File Bankruptcy in Oklahoma:

If you need help filing a bankruptcy in Oklahoma or have any questions or concerns about filing bankruptcy feel free to call our Bankruptcy attorneys in Tulsa. We file bankruptcy for our clients in all Federal bankruptcy Courts throughout the State. Bankruptcy doesn’t have to be so hard. Our Oklahoma bankruptcy lawyers have filed thousands of case and have helped our client file both chapter 13 and chapter 7 bankruptcy. Get Help 918.739.8984